Understanding Heart Health During Menopause

Menopause is notjustgynecological. Fluctuating hormone levelsduring this transitionaffectsmany of the body’s systems, including the cardiovascular system.

“Blood vessels are responsive to estrogen and it affects the way they dilate and keep blood pressure ina healthy range,” explains Dr.NiveeP.Amin, director of the Ƶ Women’s Heart program. “The protective cardiovascular effectsof estrogen and progesterone maydecline throughout menopause.”

Well before women approach and undergo menopause, there are some importantheart-healthrisk factorstounderstand,Dr. Aminsays.

Know Your Numbers

It’s important for patients to knowtheir numbers and startunderstanding the ones that are modifiable,”she explains.

Thatmeans learning more about weight, blood pressure, and(HDL and LDL)cholesteroland triglyceridelevels, and theirimpact onhearthealth.It’s important tounderstandwhichfactorswecan control(for example,weight), andthose we cannot(for example,genetics)—in some cases wellbeforemenopause.

Sometimesthere’s afocus on other parts of menopause, but we need to highlight the fact that the number one killer of women is heart disease—and women tend to have worse outcomes,” Dr. Amin adds. “Thisisa real public health need.”

Patients also need towork withan internist tounderstand the full scope of their health.Together,physicians and patients shouldcarefully review individual and family histories, Dr. Amin says.They alsocanlook closely at the risk factors and address them as soon as possible.

Exercise Matters

She also offersimportantguidancethat’s “easy to say and hard to do,” she says. “Exercise matters.

Exercise helps people manage weight and (lipid and sugar) metabolism, bone health, and cardiovascular fitness.It alsohelps regulate blood pressure, and blood vessel responses to stress in the body and the heart.

Some women also may be able to use exercise to relieve stress.

Women also need to pay attention to how they’re feeling. Even subtle symptoms canwarrant a closer look.

“Sometimes women willfeela repeated twinge, orarefeeling more tired than usual—it doesn’t always mean they’re having a serious problem, but weneed them to report it,Dr. Aminsays.

Understanding the Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes can causecertainnatural symptoms, like heart palpitations, that arenotworrisome. And sometimes the intensity or persistence of such symptomsmean a doctor should be notified.Let your internist or cardiologist know how and what you’re feeling, and the length and intensity of the symptoms.

Since every woman experiences menopause and cardiovascular changes differently, patientsshouldseek individualized, collaborativecare.

“Even as we apply large-scale data and evidence, we take into account the individual,” Dr. Amin says as she describes the supportive patient care at Ƶ. “Because we treat a broad range of patients from different backgrounds, we know that one size does not fit all.”

For example, it used to be common to turn to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) when women experienced symptoms of menopause, Dr. Amin says, explaining that this was an extension of theconceptthat women’sown hormones protected against heart disease.But the added hormones fromHRTraised the likelihood ofuterine cancers,strokes,and blood clots.

HRT stillmayhelpcertainwomen address conditions such asearly menopause orosteoporosis, butphysicians need tomonitorpatientsclosely,possibly adjust the duration of the therapy,and perhaps reevaluate its use, rather thansimply prescribingHRT forallmenopausal patients.

Multi-specialty collaboration also is key tosuccessfulwomen’s care.

“We’re in communication with each other to allow for a team-based approach,” Dr. Amin says, and adds, “We are really dedicated to improving outcomes.”

October is World Menopause Monthand we here at Ƶ deliver the highest level of care at every stage of life, from adolescence to childbearing, to menopause and the post-menopausal years. Our team of North American Menopause Society Certified Menopause Practitioners focus on preventative care and patient education, empowering you to achieve your optimum level of health.Schedule your appointment today.