The Menopause-Endocrine Connection

What role can endocrinologists playin the medical careɴdzneed as they aDzandԳeԴDZ貹ܲ?
Theyhelp patients addressconditions associated with glands, which are responsible for producing estrogen (among other hormones). And during menopause, there is marked decrease in the production of estrogen,the female sex hormone responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system.For some women, it can set off a series of symptomsthat need attention.
Beverly Tchang, M.D., assistantprofessor ofclinicalmedicinein theDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and MetabolismatNewYorkPresbyterian / Weill Cornell Medicine,shares five things women need to know about the menopause-endocrine connection.
Everymenopausalexperienceis different.
Though all women willundergothe loss of estrogen andmenstrualchanges, the symptoms of menopause vary. Some women might have all of the“typical”symptoms--hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, memory problems, mood disturbances, vaginal dryness,andweight gain. Some women might not.
Weill CornellMedicine physiciansunderstand thatatailored,comprehensive approach tohelpingwomen in menopauseoften meansengaging a team of specialists--obstetrics/gynecology, endocrinology, psychiatry, cardiology, etc.--toaddressmedicalneeds. That strategy requires morecoordinationandmore thought--andleads tobetter outcomes.
Don’t suffer in silence.
Menopause is natural and normal,butit doesnotneed to be uncomfortable. Weencouragepatients to discusssymptomswith us,particularly if they are disruptive to your routine.(Andwe can help determine whethersymptomsare, in fact,due to menopause or something else.)
Womenexperiencingmenopausalsymptoms prior to age 40 might be experiencing early menopause,whichneeds to be evaluatedby a physician.
Lifestyle changes, and sometimes medication, can help.
Sometimes we recommendlifestyle changes,like reducing stress and incorporating more exercise, toalleviatemenopausalsymptoms. But weunderstand that weareoftennot in full control of our day-to-day activities or time.
Medicationcan help.Hormone replacement therapy, for example,can bean effective option thataddressesmany of these symptoms. And vaginal estrogen creams are available to treat vaginal dryness, which can contribute to painful sex or urinary tract infections.
Understand the impactofweight changesandnutrition.
Studies on weight change in menopause vary,and often conclude that weight does not change pre- and post-menopause.Butmany women disagree.
We understand that,over time, we tend to lose lean muscle mass and gain fat, whichcanaccumulate in the central abdominal area, so the end result is no change in weight.But:Abdominal fat or a waist circumference greater than 35 inches is associated with an increased risk ofconditions such astype 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We suspect that one of the culprits of the change in body composition isdue tothe general reduction in activity as wea.
When it comes to nutrition, nospecific diet has been proven to "balance hormones" in menopause. Womenmayfind that certain foods or beverages, like spicy foods or red wine, canworsen some menopausalsymptoms,such ashot flashes. We do advise women in menopauseto be mindful oftheirdietary calcium and vitamin D intake, becausethe loss of estrogen causes bones to weaken and increasetheriskoffracture.
I recommend physical activity of any level to everyone--man or woman, pre-, peri-, or post-menopause--because of its multiple benefits, including reducing stress and improving mood. Walking 30 minutes a day forfivedays a week can help prevent weight gain. Even shorter bouts of activity, likeseven-minute workoutsor walking fortwominutes every hour, has been associated with health benefits.
October is World Menopause Monthand we here at Ƶ deliver the highest level of care at every stage of life, from adolescence to childbearing, to menopause and the post-menopausal years. Our team of North American Menopause Society Certified Menopause Practitioners focus on preventative care and patient education, empowering you to achieve your optimum level of health.Schedule your appointment today.