Therapeutic Studies

Early PD-Disease Modifying

  1. SPARC

    A double-blinded placebo-controlled study to determine the ability of a study drug, K0706, to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease in those newly diagnosed within three years and patients must remain off medications for the duration of the study, as well as the safety and efficacy of K0706.

  2. Genentech (BP43179)

    A double-blinded placebo-controlled study to determine the ability of a study drug, RO7486967, to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease of those diagnosed within three years (allows for patients to be on medications), as well as the safety and efficacy of RO7486967.

  3. LUMA

    A double-blinded placebo-controlled study to determine the ability of a study drug, BIIB122, to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease in newly diagnosed subjects within 2 years, as well as the safety and efficacy of BIIB122.


    A double-blinded placebo-controlled study to determine the ability of a study drug, BIIB122, to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease in individuals who carry the LRRK2 mutation and are newly diagnosed within 2 years, as well as the safety and efficacy of BIIB122.

Symptomatic Treatment

  1. BKJM201

    A double-blinded study to determine the ability of a study drug, JM-201, to decrease the prevalence of dyskinetic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, as well as the safety and efficacy of JM-201.

Novel Cell Based Therapies

Feeder Studies---patients would have to participate in observational studies for a period of time before stem-cell transplant surgical studies begin.


    A double-blinded study to longitudinally track a cohort of subjects with moderate PD. Select qualified participants may be eligible to receive STEM cell therapy in a secondary portion of the study.

  2. BRT-DA01-NIS 001

    A double-blinded observational study monitoring the completion of a Parkinson’s disease diary with different time increments. Select qualified participants may be eligible to receive STEM cell therapy in a secondary portion of the study.

Stem Cell Transplant Surgical Studies


    A double-blinded placebo-controlled study where select qualified candidates from TRANSCEND 1 can receive STEM cell therapy.

  2. BRT-DA01-NIS 002

    A double-blinded placebo-controlled study where select qualified candidates from BRT-DA01-NIS 001 can receive STEM cell therapy.

Technology Studies

  1. MYCAP

    A study to test whether active tasks completed on a personal smartphone are effective as a measure of collecting data from patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Online Studies

  1. TOPAZ

    A study to test the efficacy of the study drug, Zoledronic acid-5 mg, in preventing bone fractures in individuals with Parkinson's disease.

Observational Studies


    A longitudinal study to establish a noninvasive imaging method for measuring and quantifying iron changes in the brain of subjects with Parkinson’s disease or REM Sleep Disorder.