
RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council meeting November 18, 2021

Health and Human Service's Administration for Community Living is pleased to announce the sixth Full Council Meeting of the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council on November 18, 2021, 12:30 - 4:30PM ET. The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the RAISE webpage prior to the meeting.

Practical Neurology Updates

On Tuesday, September 8, 2020, between 5pm and 6pm, a Zoom-Conference on Practical Neurology Updates will be offered by three members of the Neurology Department faculty: Dr. Padmaja Kandula on DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF FIRST SEIZURE, Dr. Joseph W. Doria on UTILITY OF VIDEO EEG IN PAROXYSMAL DISORDERS, and Dr. Steven C. Karceski on RECENT ADVANCES IN EPILEPSY MANAGEMENT.

Migraine Headaches

Researchers believe there is a genetic factor in migraine, the recurring type of headache that often causes moderate to severe throbbing or pulsing pain. Dr. Susan Broner discusses headaches in general and migraines in particular. Dr. Broner specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders including migraine and its variants, cluster headaches and other forms of chronic and episodic headache. .

Dr. Norman Latov's talk on Neuropathy

Dr. Norman Latov, a founding Board member and Medical and Research Director of the National Advisory Council of the Neuropathy Association explains neuropathy and provides insight into new treatments and other crucial information for those who suffer from neuropathy. .

MMPRC Hosting "Fire and Freedom" Traveling Exhibit

Now through January 4, 2019, the Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center is hosting a National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health traveling exhibit entitled Fire and Freedom.The exhibit explores the complex relationships of society, enslavement, and food during the early days of America, when African and Native American influences played important roles in the survival of the European settlers and when bartering with foods, herbs, and commodities were often a key ingredient of... Read More