Kidney Exchange: A Chain of Love that Saves Lives

According to Evan Hubbard, who received a kidney transplant at the age of 5 back in 2008, the "greatest team in the world" took good care of him. But the privilege has been ours, in watching Evan grow from an adorable 5-year-old, to a precocious 10- year-old, to a teenager!
Evan received his kidney through the first kidney paired donation transplant chain that occurred at our center on Valentine's Day 2008. Evan and his mom, Nina, have been relentless champions for our program, appearing throughout the years in various videos and stories. We greatly appreciate their support of our program, and are excited to see where Evan will go!
As you can see in the videos below, Evan hopes to follow in the footsteps of his transplant caregivers to become a doctor!