Keeping Up With Your COVID-19 Tests

Tony award winnerrecently hostedCenterstage with Healthcare Heroes,”a panel徱ܲDzɾٳMoitriSavard, MD, medical director forW𾱱CǰԱMedical(Ƶ)PrimaryCare in Long Island City, and PaulFenyves, MD, associate director of digital care and innovation for Primary Care at Ƶ.

In thisof a three-part series sponsored by Ƶ and, they discussedwhat New Yorkers need to know about the current state of the pandemic andhowwe can take good care of ourselves.

The following Q&A is based on that August 13 discussion.

Ƶhas beenat the heart of New York City’smedicalcaresince the beginning ofthe pandemic. What’s the statusofCOVID-19testing in the city now?

There are a lot of tests available, so it’s important that patients know what the tests are and what they mean—and what they don’t.

First, there arethat look for the virus itself. It’s possible for patients to receive these testresults in minutes.

look for the genetic material of the COVID-19 virus;it’s the more common testright now. It can take between a week and 10 days to get those results, depending on whereinthe countryit’s being processed.

Thenthere are, which tell us whether a patient hashad a past infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.Right now,that testgives us limited information; itreallyonlytells us we’ve had the virusby identifying proteins in the blood. We don’t know how longtheantibodies may last, orwhether patients who recover from COVID-19 can get it again.

What do we need to know about the PCR test?

The PCR test involves using a nasal swab. It’s not comfortable, but it’s fast—and nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes it will cause patients to tear up or sneeze, and that’s why the person administering the test will be wearingfull personal protective equipment.

What are our best defenses against the virusright now?

Let’s focus on,maintaining social distanceas much as possible, andthat aren’t porous. Although washing with soap and water is the most effective way to keep our hands clean, the use (but notoveruse) of hand sanitizers is a fine second choice.

Stress managementis vital for patients right now. We’re seeing first-hand the role it can play in wellness: some patients who struggle with stress during this understandably anxious time also can experience physical and medical challenges. We want patients to discuss this so we can help them determine an effective course of action.

And wereallywant patients to see their primary care physicians, manage chronic conditions, and go for screening tests for certain conditions regularly. We’re here seeing patients. We’ve been here seeing patients. And we don’t want to let care lapse.

What role haveVideoVisitsplayed since the start of the pandemic?

Video Visitshave been a successful supplement to our practice. It allows half of our doctors to work onsite and in-person, while the other half sees patients online from their homes. We’re able to provide a high level of care to a high number of patients while reducing foot traffic in our offices.

We’ve been seeing patients in person throughout the pandemic, but those who return to our offices now willsee some terrific changes: patients are seamlessly checking in and out of appointments online; having their temperatures checked when they arrive; not spending time in waiting rooms; and seeing intensely stepped-up cleaning measures throughout our sites.


  • For more informationaboutCOVID-19testing, call the Ƶ hotline at (646) 697-4000 or the NewYorkStateCOVID-19 hotline at 1-888-364-3065.
  • Pleasecontact your primary care provider to schedule a  VideoVisit  or useƵ’s  services.
  • Ƶ Psychiatryoffers someresources on.