COVID-19 Vaccines & Allergic Reactions

Following reports of patients experiencing severe allergic reactions after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its guidance concerningpatients withallergies,Իallergic reactions to the vaccines.
Even people with a history of severe allergic reactionsnotrelated to vaccines or injectable medications (including food, pet, venom, environmental, or latex allergies), should be vaccinated,say,as should those with “a history of allergies to oral medications or a family history of severe allergic reactions.”
Considerations Before Receiving the Vaccine
The vast majority of people—even thosewith a history of allergies—can receive the vaccine safely, saysinfectious disease expert Kristen Marks, MD,associate professor of medicine-Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University.
“Until we have more information, those with a history of a severe allergic reaction like anaphylaxis to any vaccine to any vaccine or injectable medicine should be cautious about getting the vaccine,” Dr. Marks explains. “If that applies to you, discuss with your provider to decide how to proceed.”
Possible Allergic Reactions to Vaccine Ingredient
advised that patients who are allergic to a substance called polyethylene glycol (PEG),or a related substance called polysorbate,notget the COVID-19 vaccine:“Polysorbate is not an ingredient in either mRNA COVID-19 vaccine but is closely related to PEG, which is in the vaccines.”
In addition, theCDCrecommends that providers observeall patients should be observed for 15 to 30 minutes after they receive the vaccine, andhave emergency medicines and equipmenton handtorapidly manageallergicreactions.
If a patient experiencesan allergic reaction to the vaccine,the providerwill send a report to the(VAERS), a national system that compiles reports about vaccine reactions from healthcare professionals, vaccine manufacturers, and the public.
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