Continuing Care For Breast Cancer Survivors

Women with a history of breast cancer are living longer--and better.In the United States alone, there aremore than3 million breast cancerܰǰ.

WhenƵ(Ƶ)andNewYork-Presbyterian Hospitallooked at the trend--and its own care resources—theyasked what the medical community is doing to support those longtime survivors.The answer? Establishingthe Iris CantorBreast Cancer SurvivorshipProgram,which offers medical care, education, and support to survivors.

Patients are referredthereby their primary breast cancer physicians to transition from “active” care relating to surgery, radiation therapy,or chemotherapy to the survivorship program. Most women are referred aboutfiveyears after diagnosis.The program takes over the patient’s medical care related to breast cancer, including annual referrals for appropriate imaging,such as mammograms.

Therearesomewomen in the program who had breast cancer35 and even 40 years ago,says Anne Moore, MD,Medical Director of the Breast Center at Ƶ.

Though thenumbers area success storyforbothdoctorsand patients, more important,Dr. Moore says,is thatwomen no longer inactivetreatment for the diseaseobtainmuch-needed follow-up care.Newly diagnosed patientswho know about the programfeel encouraged, and know they haveanother level of careavailablewhen they’re ready forit.

Dr. Moore,amedical oncologist whomade the transition from active practice to leading theIris Cantor Breast Cancer Survivorship Program,envisioneda dedicatedspacefor the program to focus on the needs of those women and men who no longer are receiving active treatment from their surgeons or medical oncologists.

“This type of program is a very new concept,” Dr. Moore explains. “There’s no absolute model to draw on, but we all realized that we needed to have this.Thesepatients don’t need the same type of acute care, and they wanted a home.

In addition to the medical follow up, the program offerseducational programs, such astheannualSurvivorship Symposium(postponedthis year due to the pandemic)andonlinewebinars.All patients canstay current with the center’s offerings through its email newsletter andby following theƵ Breast Center.

Thesurvivorshipprogram is closely tied to resources at the Breast Center and The Integrative Health and Wellbeing Program.The program on Contemplative Self-Healing is a joint programwith the Survivorship Center andthe Nalanda Institute in New York City.Thesepartnershipsallow patients to have access to resources including nutritionists, yoga, and meditation.

Research is a primary goal, Dr. Mooreadds.One study, she explains, highlights that meditation can ease stress, memory and attention problems,cognitive difficulties,and post-traumatic stress disorderfor breast cancersurvivors.Anotherstudy of vitamins and supplements used by breast cancer survivorshas been accepted for poster presentationat the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium this December.

Patients whove made the center their medical “home” forsurvivorshipcare have found solace in its resources. Theyreportfeelinguplifted by the perspective they gain on life after breast cancer, focus less on mortality, and have uncovered the power of patients and doctors to support and heal eachother.

To find out more about the Iris CantorBreast Cancer Survivorship Program, or to obtain a referral, please contact your primary breast cancer physician.