Compassionate Care For Bile Duct Cancer (Cholangiocarcinoma)

³Jennifer Wasser of Hoboken, NJ,gave birth to her son nine weeks early via Caesarean section in October 2019, doctors attributed the early birthto hypertension(high bloodpܰ)and elevated liver enzymes that appeared late in the pregnancy.
But even after shevisited a general practitioner in early January 2020 for a physical and a follow up to the hypertension, Jennifer’s physician discoveredthatherliver enzymes wereeven moreelevated, likely never having normalized followingherson’s birth.
“After a few weeks of subsequent testing and persistence on the part of my gastroenterologist, I was connected with Dr.ReemSharaihaat Weill Cornell in the hopes that she would shed light on my mystery liver issue,” Jennifer recalls.
It was only aweeklater thatDr.Sharaihaperformed aprocedurethat identified the tumor inJennifer’sbile duct. And then she received her diagnosis—cholangiocarcinoma—fromDrSharaihaandKarimHalazun,MD,assistantattendingsurgeon, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital,andassociateprofessor ofsurgery,Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University.
“There are not enough words to adequately describe the tenderness with which all of the essential information was shared with my husband and me,” Jennifer says.“We were three months into parenthood,and the thought of our son not having his mother raise him was unfathomable….Theygreeted our shock and panic with the greatest sense of calm and assurance.”
Jennifer’sliver resection/gallbladder removal surgery took place eight days afterherdiagnosis.
“Dr.Halazunwas patient, thorough and confident while ensuring that we understood what I was embarking on in the days leading up to and the actual day of my surgery,” Jennifer remembers.“I was taken care of by what I can only describe as healthcare angels. Every person was sincerely empathetic and kind.”
The best news came four days after surgery, Jennifersays,whenshe and her husbandlearned thathermargins and lymph nodes were clearof cancer,and that the plan for adjuvant chemotherapy would take effect six weeks later.
Jennifer adds, “We often reflect at home on our gratitude and my good fortune to have been at this hospital, under the care of Dr.Halazunand his amazing team. I am now in my second-to-last round of chemo….Weare hopeful and confident that I have many healthy years ahead.”