Choosing Safer Social Activities Amid COVID-19

Updated May 19, 2021
If you’rfully vaccinated againstCOVID-19,ٳyou’re probablyitchingٴreturn to the gym,take inbaseball game, hear aconcert,orplan abackyardbarbeque--especiallysince thhas determined thatyou nolonger need to wear a mask or physically distance inmostsettings,excludingpublic transportation,andunlessfederal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, local businesses or workplaces indicate otherwise.In keeping with thisnewCDC guidance,is liftingmostpandemic-related capacity restrictions and waving mask mandates outdoors for fullyvaccinated people, except in certain crowded settings and venues.
Yet,it’s still a goodidea to be cautious,saysMatthew S. Simon, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases andAssistant Attending Physician at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Ƶ.
“Once you’re fully vaccinated,says we can loosen some restrictions, but we’re still in a vulnerable time with a minority of people who are fully vaccinated and very high case counts,” he says.“Although the vaccines are likely to remain protective against variants, we don’t have a full understanding ofany differences in the vaccine’s effectiveness between newer variants and older strains of the virus.Things will get better but we’re notquitthere yet.”
Given thlatestcapacity increases for indoor and outdoor venues, including indoordining,entertainment venues,salons and other personal care businesses, as well as returninground-the-clock subway service,understanding what it means to be protected against COVID-19 and how to stay safremainscritical for your health and the health of those around you.
For example,it’s important to understand thatbeingpartiallyvaccinatedisnot the same as being fully vaccinated, Dr. Simon says.“People can’t run out a week after they’ve gotten their shot and think they have full protection,” he says.Being fully vaccinated is defined as“at leasttwoweeks afterasecond dosof thModernaor Pfizer shot,orasingledoseof thJohnson & Johnson.”
Even once you are fully vaccinated, there are several factors to consider before you startparticipating in activitiesand relaxing health precautions:
Know the level of COVID-19 in the community where you live or plan to spend time.
If community rates are still very high--as they are in New York--ٳkeep in mind thatthereis some risk involved in eating inside a restaurant or going to a bar. “BecausCOVIDratesremainhigh,the majority of people are notyet fullyvaccinated, and the vaccines are not 100% protective, crowded indoor settingsstillpose a risk of transmissioneven for those who are fully vaccinated,”Dr. Simonsays.
Keep gatherings small.
Thavoiding medium and large events. If you are fully vaccinated,ٳyoucanvisit with a small group of other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing a mask or physicallydistancing. You can also visit indoors withoutwearing masks or physicallydistancing with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease.
Prioritize outdooractivities.
“Because of the ventilation, outdoor activities are generally saferthan indoor activities.This is especially true for eating at restaurants where you won’t be able to wear your mask while eating and drinking” Dr. Simon says.In fact, one study found that adults with positive COVID-19 test results were twice as likely as those with negative results to have reported eating at a minimize risk when visiting restaurants:
- ensurethat a restaurant has good ventilationof outdoor air (e.gtents with open doors, rolled up sides) oropen outdoorseating;
- check the restaurant’s website to see if you feel comfortable withitsCOVID-19 safetyguidelines;
- avoid busy dining timesand sit at tables spaced at leastsixfeetapart;
- minimizeyour time atarestaurant by ordering in advance online or viaapp;
- park your own caror, if you use valet parking, open the windows for at least 15 minutes before gettingin; and,
- limit your alcohol consumption so you’re more likely to follow safety measures.
Avoid crowded spaces at the gym.
“It’s important to get some physicalexerciseduring the pandemic, however it is still necessary to take precautions when visitingan indoorgym.”to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID at gymsinclude:mask use, physical distancing,limiting high-intensity group activities,evaluating the gym’s ventilation practices, hand hygiene,and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces.
Considerifthe activity will put you inclose contact with other peoplnot in your household.Assesshow you can maintain a safe distancefrom othersand if peoplaround youwill be masked.“When you’re out in public, it’s still important to wear a mask, even if you’re fully vaccinated,”Dr. Simon says. “It’simportantnot just for you but forthcommunity at large.”